​PhpStorm’s smart code editor provides excellent support for PHP (including the latest language versions and frameworks), HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Sass, Less, CoffeeScript, and many other languages. Enjoy coding with intelligent context-aware code completion, error detection, and on-the-fly code inspections & fixes.​

Refactor your code reliably with safe Rename, Move, Delete, Extract Method, Inline Variable, Push members Up / Pull members Down, Change Signature, and many other refactorings. Language-specific refactorings help you perform project-wide changes in a matter of a few clicks, and can​ be safely undone.

PhpStorm is renowned for its zero-configuration Visual Debugger, providing extraordinary insight into what goes on in your application at every step. It works with Xdebug and Zend Debugger, and can be used both locally and remotely. Unit Testing with PHPUnit, BDD with Behat and profiler integration are also available.

All the major PHP frameworks are supported by PhpStorm (either out of the box or with a free plugin), so make sure to try the IDE for your framework of choice. Framework-specific features are available for Symfony2, Drupal, WordPress, Laravel, Magento, CakePHP, Zend Framework 2, and many others.

Save time with a unified UI for working with Git, SVN, Mercurial, and other version control systems. Easily configure automatic deployment via FTP/SFTP/FTPS and local/mounted folders. Manage infrastructure with Vagrant and fully benefit from integration with modern tools such as Composer, remote PHP interpreters, Phing, and more.

Why PhpStorm

Smart PHP Code Editor

The editor that actually 'gets' your code and deeply understands its structure, supporting all PHP language features for modern and legacy projects. Provides the best code completion, refactorings, on-the-fly error prevention, and more.

Code Quality Analysis

Hundreds of inspections take care of verifying your code as you type, analyzing the whole project. PHPDoc support, code (re)arranger and formatter, quick-fixes, and other features help you write neat code that’s easy to support.

Development Environment

Perform many routine tasks right from the IDE, thanks to Version Control Systems integration, support for remote deployment, databases/SQL, command-line tools, Vagrant, Composer, REST Client, and many other tools.

HTML/CSS/JavaScript Editor

All the cutting edge front-end technologies are included, such as HTML5, CSS, Sass, Less, Stylus, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, Emmet, and JavaScript, with refactorings, debugging and unit testing. Live Edit let you see changes instantly in the browser.

Debugging and Testing

Zero-configuration debugging makes it really easy to debug and profile your PHP applications with either Xdebug or Zend Debugger. PHPUnit and Behat support lets you develop and run tests right from the IDE.

Cross-platform Experience

Use the same frequently-updated and fully customizable PHP integrated development environment on Windows, Mac OS X or Linux with your single license key. Enjoy the performance and stability!

What’s New in PhpStorm 10

PHP 7 support

The latest PHP 7 is supported, including PHP 7 compatibility inspections. Work with: Anonymous Classes, Return Type Declarations, Null Coalesce Operator, Group Use Declarations, Context Sensitive Lexer, and more.

Dataflow analysis

Dataflow Analysis helps you better understand your project's code, interpret complicated parts, find bottlenecks in the source code, and more. Tracing dataflow is especially useful when working with third-party code or working in large teams with shared code.

Interactive debug console (REPL)

Interactive debug console allows you to alter variables, call PHP functions, and define additional functions – all on the fly. You can try out expressions and snippets while staying in the debug context.

PhpStorm comes with all features of WebStorm and adds full-fledged support for PHP and Databases/SQL

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